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应对具有挑战性的居住环境和个人环境的最佳方法-以及首先避免它们发生-是审查和理解OU的政策. Take time to read our policies and procedures, and think about how they pertain to your everyday life.


To cancel your on-campus housing, you will need to complete a Contract Release Form online. You may do so by following the instructions shown below. 我们还有一个 contract cancellation video tutorial available 为了您的方便.

Please note that you will be subject to cancellation charges as outlined in the terms and conditions of the housing contract

Please note that once you cancel your contract, you will have five business days in which to move out of your room assignment and return your key. As such, you will want to time the submission of your contract release form accordingly.


  1. 登录 我的房屋门户网站.

  2. 单击 合同/形式 drop-down menu,然后点击 on the contract you would like to cancel.

  3. What Would You Like to Do with This Application? 出现的下拉菜单,选择 取消/撤回此申请,然后点击 提交.

  4. When prompted, confirm that you want to cancel your contract by selecting 是,请取消此申请 from the drop-down menu that appears.

  5. Select the reason you are cancelling your contract.

  6. 添加任何其他注释 box, provide any additional information you feel is important,然后点击 提交.

  7. You will then reach a confirmation page for the contract release, and notice that the word 取消了 now appears at the end of the cancelled contract in the 合同/形式 drop-down menu.

  8. Once your contract release is processed, 你的钥匙还回来了, 大学住宿部将从你的学生账户中扣除任何剩余的住宿费,并按比例退还你的食宿费用. This typically occurs within 2-3 business days. Those with questions regarding the contract release process may contact (电子邮件保护).
Considerations for graduating students

在秋季学期结束时毕业的学生需要在离开大学宿舍之前取消剩余的住房合同. 在冬季学期结束时毕业的学生不需要就住房合同采取任何额外的步骤.

为了参加毕业典礼,在学期结束日期(冬季)或年底结束日期(春季)之后必须留在韦德体育app官网分配的住房内的毕业生,将被允许从合同期限结束时住到晚上11点.m. on the day following completion of the commencement season, eligibility permitting. In order to be eligible to remain in on-campus housing beyond the applicable closing date, students must complete the late stay request form, which is emailed to students near the end of the semester. 你可以找到更多关于 这个过程


University Students and Affiliated Students
To be eligible to reside in 大学的宿舍 as a “University Student” or “Affiliated Student,个人必须:(a)作为大学学位课程的正式录取或有条件录取的学生被大学录取,并在每年秋季至少注册一(1)个学分, 冬天, or summer semester in which they reside in 大学的宿舍; or (b) for purposes of the summer semester only, formally admitted to the University as matriculated or conditionally admitted students in a degree seeking program at the University and enrolled in a minimum of one (1) credit hour in the upcoming fall semester; or (c) matriculated students in a degree-seeking program at another college or university that has an affiliation or exchange agreement with the University and who are attending the University as part of a program covered by one of the affiliation or exchange agreements; or (d) participating in the University’s semester abroad program.

除了, students who have been admitted to the University’s English as a Second Language Institute (“ESL Institute”) are eligible to reside in 大学的宿舍 if they: (i) have either applied to a degree-seeking program at the University or have indicated on their ESL Institute application that they intend to pursue a degree at the University; (ii) are required to complete coursework in the University’s ESL Institute in order to meet the University’s English language proficiency admissions requirements; (iii) have been issued an I-20 or DS-2019 from the University for their ESL Institute studies; (iv) are enrolled full-time in ESL Institute courses; and (v) are making satisfactory academic progress in their ESL Institute program as determined by the University.




To be eligible to reside in 大学的宿舍 as a Non-University Student,” individuals must be participating in: (a) a 大学的宿舍 MOU; or (b) the University’s intern housing program; or (c) the University’s visiting scholar research program; or (d) a University authorized summer camp program.


Only people 21 years and older may possess and consume alcoholic beverages. 任何拥有, 和/或消费, and/or found to be 在…面前 alcohol who is not of legal age, 或拥有, 和/或消费 alcohol in a public area within 大学的宿舍, may be issued an appearance ticket (MIP – minor in possession) by the 韦德体育app官网 police. Alcohol may be possessed and consumed only in student rooms where the occupant is 21 years or older. When consuming alcohol in student rooms, 公寓或别墅, 房间和/或套房和/或公寓或小屋的门必须关闭,居住者不得违反其他政策. Students should be aware of the legal liability inherent in supplying alcohol to anyone not of legal age.

Neither possession (including open cans, bottles, cups, squeeze bottles, etc.) nor consumption of alcohol is allowed in any public area within 大学的宿舍, 包括阳台, 走廊, 休息室, 自习室和社区浴室. 户外是不允许的. 酒精容器和可回收物品必须包裹或包含在袋子或其他包装中,使内容物不可见. It is not acceptable to hide alcohol containers in pockets or under coats and shirts. Alcohol bottles and containers may not be used as decorative items in residences.

“公共源代码”分发, defined as any individual or group of students sharing or supplying alcoholic beverages, 是被禁止的. Kegs and consumption paraphernalia are not permitted in the residence halls. Students violating the alcohol policy may be required to attend an alcohol education class, and may face additional sanctions as deemed fit by 大学的宿舍 or the Dean of Students Office.

作为一个国家支持的机构, 韦德体育app官网希望学生遵守有关使用或持有非法毒品的联邦和州法律. The university does not permit the sale, 分布, use or possession of illegal drugs on campus, nor the use or possession of drug paraphernalia (i.e. bongs, rolling papers, hookah pipes, scales, roach clips, etc.).

拥有密歇根大麻登记身份证的学生并不免除这项禁令. The use and possession of marijuana remains illegal under federal law and, 作为联邦基金的接受者, 韦德体育app官网受1988年《韦德体育app官网》和1989年《韦德体育官方网站》的约束, 并可能因违反这些要求韦德体育app官网采取措施打击吸毒和酗酒行为的行为而失去联邦资助. Prescription drugs are only to be used by the person to whom they are prescribed and as directed.

Students and guests who are found to be smelling of, 在…面前, or under the influence of illegal drugs are subject to disciplinary action, which could include immediate suspension or expulsion from 大学的宿舍 and/or the university, 以及法律诉讼. Students violating this policy also may be required to attend a drug education class, and may face additional sanctions as deemed fit by 大学的宿舍 or the Dean of Students Office.

不当性行为是未经同意的不受欢迎的性行为,包括性骚扰, sexually hostile environments and sexual violence. 了解更多关于公开大学的信息 Sexual Assault and Violence Initiative.





(248) 370-3570

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.